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Scholarship, Leadership, Service & Fellowship
Manufacturing PPE for Hospitals
“At Big Bend Community College (Washington), members of Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for community college students, spent spring break making protective face masks that will go to Samaritan Healthcare, which asked for help.”
Where 4-Year Schools Find a Pool of Applicants: 2-Year Schools
“Colleges, including elite schools, are making it easier to transfer from community colleges, seeing a valuable source of highly motivated students.” Read more at the New York Times
From Prison to One of the Top Students in the Country
After serving time for his part in a home invasion, James Elliott, Phi Theta Kappa’s 2019-2020 International President has turned to education and telling his story to inspire others on a journey to do better.
Five Students That Show Why Community Colleges Make The Grade
I often tell my children that I have the best job on the planet. As President and CEO of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, I am in the business of creating opportunities for some of the nation’s hardest-working students by connecting them to life-changing scholarships and family-sustaining employment.
The Admissions Scandal: What It Is And What It Is Not.
As a result of the growing body of research, selective colleges are beginning to wake up to the fact that community college transfers are just as smart and capable as students from more affluent families, and that they bring valuable new perspectives to a classroom.
Phi Theta Kappa Announces 2019 Transfer Honor Roll
Seventy-eight colleges and universities have been named to Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society’s 2019 Transfer Honor Roll in recognition of the dynamic pathways they have created to support transfer students.
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